Changes Now! Super Chitosan
Fat Blocker!!!
* Features the most complete Chitosan
formula available! With glucommanan and fiber for unbelievable fat loss.
* "Disguises" fat and oil particles,
"tricking" your body into eliminating fatty food substances as waste, instead of storing
them as fat
* Helps you avoid overeating by creating a feeling
of fullness in the stomach
* Contains lipase, a powerful digestive enzyme for
fat breakdown
* 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!
Changes Now!
[Servings Per Container: 60 (1 month supply)]
Changes Now! is an extraordinary diet pill
for promoting fast, effortless weight loss.
For those times when you deviate from an optimum,
low-fat diet, use Changes NOW! NOW packs a 1-2 punch in the fight against fat! Changes NOW is a
powerful tool for promoting better health. The combination of
fiber, enzymes, vitamins, and
minerals has a synergistic effect to help nutritionally support a reduction in fat absorption.
First, Changes NOW contains Chitosan, which has the
ability to attach itself to fats in the stomach and prevent them from being digested. Instead, the
metabolically inactivated mass is simply eliminated by the body.
Then, the Japanese Konjac root extract,
glucommanan, helps bind fat and absorb fluids, swelling inside the stomach and creating a
sensation of fullness. Plus, the combination of ingredients in Changes NOW also includes lipase -
the digestive enzyme which breaks down fat, as well as citrus pectin and oat fiber.
Key Product Benefits:
- Glucommanan and Chitosan bind fat and help your body
eliminate it rather than store it as fat. Help prevent a larger waistline after you've eaten fried
- Fluid-absorbing fibres swell in your stomach and help
you feel full - eat less without feeling hungry!!!
* * * For truly astounding WEIGHT LOSS Results, try with
Thermo-Lift and Opti-Zyme!